Sunday, May 2, 2010

Changing a Flat

During my first year of triathlon racing I got a flat tire at one of my races and I was not carrying any tools to change it (not to mention I didn't even have a spare tube).  I was completely unprepared for this situation and I had to withdraw from the race.  Fortunately, it was a C-priority race and inexpensive.  If that were to happen to me during an A-priority race I would be furious, unless I was prepared.  Don't neglect to train in these skills which we hope not to need.  Changing a bike tube only takes a few minutes to practice and you'll be more comfortable in the event of a flat tire if you've practiced it several times.  We train for hours and hours in swimming, biking, and running just to save a few seconds.  All that training can be crushed by a flat, especially if you are not prepared.

I want to emphasize two things to remember before inflating the new tube. First, make sure the tube is not pinched between the rim and the tire. It's always a good idea to double-check, especially for beginners. It's easy to miss a pinched tube. Second, check for debris in the tire. Make sure that whatever punctured your original tube is not going to puncture your replacement. This happened to a friend of mine. He failed to remove a wire that was stuck in his tire. It resulted in two flats and a DNF.

Practicing this skill regularly will make you proficient at tube changes, which will result in a lower anxiety level in the event of a flat.  Here is a list of equipment you'll need to change a flat:
Tire Lever
Bike Tube
CO2 Cartridge
CO2 Inflator

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